Seven Building Blocks for Designing Organisations for Growth, Innovation and High Performance

You started doing it your way - Why Stop Now?

Changing any growing organisation may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Mastering the building blocks of organisational design empowers you to create your unique design so that your organisation grows and succeeds just as it needs to.

The changes needed are like changing the plane while it’s still flying.” The best people to do that are the people on the plane. You don’t need an engineer from ground control to fix it. 

What makes any organisation unique is the dynamic fusion of the people, their behaviours, their platform, their language, and the overarching vision. And, of course, the products, services, and experiences it sells to its customers. In their unique way, they influence, contribute to, and shape the conditions of the organisation, paving the way for the exciting emergence of a distinct culture that customers recognise and desire.

Change is inevitable.  Every leader must understand the...

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The 'Social Contract' We Live By.

Wherever you look there will be a social contract underpinning the culture that exists. The way people act, behave and even look is determined by it. We are all bound by a social contract either consciously or more commonly, unconsciously. Your relationship to the social contract you live in is determined by how far from the core you are. When you are close to the core, as with the Marines, everybody knows the conditions defined by the social contract. You literally live or die by them on the battlefield and the strength of the community is evidence of how committed all of the individuals are to that contract,  In the Marines you “sign up” consciously.

But look for a moment at a different culture, one where it would seem that people are victims of society but actually are living within a different social contract. In every city, there are no-go areas for the police, or areas where the homeless gather or people sleep out on the street. Even though the people living...

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