Client Testimonials


Project: Helping a family-owned hotel group develop their team into "an army that thinks on its feet." Establishing behaviour standards across all three hotels resulted in the delivery of excellent service from motivated teams.

"The team building work we did with Adrian engaged the teams in delivering a fantastic service standards. The result was the most powerful management tool I have ever seen."

Tony Byrne
Hotel GM - The Royal Castle Hotel, Dartmouth

Community Building

Project: Helping Emma build her core team for the Bordon Regeneration Project, resolving team relationships and establishing the conditions for an innovative team culture to emerge

"What I have developed while working with Adrian is the ability to inspire and develop others while managing complex relationships which has now become a core skill in my leadership of Signal Bordon. As a leader of a start-up business what I found I needed was to be able to gently direct and guide the team towards my vision without bossing people about which is not something I had had to deal with before. Now after working with Adrian, I have developed team management skills and I have the confidence, certainty and clarity to delegate effectively, lead confidently and continue to grow and scale the business. "

Emma Selby
MD SiGNAL Bordon

Professional Services

Project: Help Matt develop his team leadership and improve performance through developing his people:-

"My challenge was my hesitation and uncertainty. Developing my character, understanding how to work with people, managing personal relationships with business relationships and as a success developing a team member from a £30k to £90k salary in five years. You made me believe if you put the work in, you get the result and the best way is to fail fast."

Matt Orton
MD Metisplan - Construction Consultants

Community Building - Events

Project: Helping Antonio develop his online Vacation Rental World Sumit (VWRS) into a live face-to-face experience and establish VWRS as a leading event in the sector.

"By working with Adrian I was able to overcome the obstacles that were holding me back and make progress towards my goals. He was the person I needed, the mentor I could turn to when I was stuck and he guided me to greater clarity; he helped me open my mind and push through the challenges. Working with Adrian gave me clarity, confidence, and a robust action plan to take me to my goals. The emotional and practical impact of this work increased my self-confidence and the clarity of my communications, leading to a doubling of my turnover from the event alone, going from €25K to €150K in 4 years. "

Antonio Bortolotti
Founder of VRWS

50% Complete

Two Step

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