Hospitality Leadership Consultancy - Devon UK

I put salt on stuff, helping business leaders in hospitality, tech, and creative services create the right conditions for their people to thrive & overcome the challenge of endless change. Think of me as the missing ingredient.

Adrian has spent 7 years in the corporate world, 19 years as a business owner, and 14 years consulting small and medium-sized businesses by applying the lessons from hospitality to all businesses.

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Our Core Pillars


Clean Leadership is new thinking that aligns with current and future trends, as inherited notions become outdated in the face of technological advancements. It is leadership based on high self-esteem.


There is more to communication than what we say and how we say it - Understanding the building blocks of communication leads to mastery and the power to truly engage your team.


CultureWork provides a robust framework for business leaders to thrive in their roles and foster organisational success through the development of powerful team structures.

Platform Technology

Platform Technology provides the paltform for business leaders to unleash their organisation's creative and innovative forces while keeping a firm grasp on the direction and speed of advancement.

Schedule your introductory call

People normally have more questions than a website can answer. That is why I set aside a number of 30 minute slots each week for interested business owners, leaders and managers to ask their questions and see if what I have to offer can help solve their challenge. Please book your no obligation Introduction Call today.

The Natural Law of People

Leveraging the potential of all employees

Leaders must create the right conditions so that the people they lead can participate fully, make their best contribution, and, ultimately, feel that their work was a worthwhile experience.

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Collaborative Approach

I help shift focus from solving problems of the past to creating the conditions for a new future to emerge where past problems can no longer exist. My work empowers diverse teams by creating freedom for teams to remove obstacles and be innovative without leadership losing control of the organisation's purpose, vision and values.

This is achieved by working with and through the people in the organisation.

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Stories From The Edge

It is at the leading edge that innovative businesses thrive because they have a strong and resilient core.

Stories From The Edge is a growing community of business owners committed to finding a new business model that rewards people fairly, is ethical, profitable, and follows clear strategic intent.

The edge refers to the leading edge of business thinking, from which new thinking, organisation, and technology will emerge that will revolutionise the way we conduct business.

The community provides a direct connection with me and other members and an opportunity to learn and develop together.

The Books I wrote with Michael McMaster are the starting point; the community is where the magic happens, new ideas emerge, and you, the members, can share and learn together.

I am not proposing a revolution in organisational design, but I recommend a seismic shift in how we design our organisations for the future. There is no single answer.

I propose a framework of guiding principles and structures that will enable all types of organisations to create their own unique organisational design for their unique vision of the future that does not yet exist.

Ultimately, I have a simple mission:

To Make Work A Worthwhile Experience For All!

Click here to learn more about my community Stories from the Edge and join the conversation.

" To organise work in such a manner that it becomes meaningless, boring, stultifying, or nerve-wracking for the worker would be little short of criminal; it would indicate a greater concern with goods than with people."

E.F. Schumacher - 1911-1977
Small is Beautiful

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