We need Genuine Leaders To Transform Organisations

There is a lot of talk about leadership right now, and not just in political circles. Charismatic or celebrity leaders get much more press than great leaders. Why is that?

I think it is because when we are talking about great leaders they embody a set of  characteristics that include:

  • Seeking out and recognising potential champions
  • Building people up
  • Being true and aligned with your stand whilst listening to challenging opinions
  • Setting aside political aspirations and self-interest
  • Being the champion of and in service of the strategic intent
  • Being open and honest
  • Taking care of your people
  • Listening with respect to everyone’s communication
  • Being appreciative of the efforts of others
  • Being true to your word
  • Expressing yourself fully
  • Inviting dialogue

None of these was newsworthy for today's clickbait media until Russia invaded Ukraine.

When these characteristics are applied by leaders, the outcomes are extraordinary because people around them respond with a like mind and...

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